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No... I Am Not A Hacker. (Read Description)
I recently quit gpop, deleted all my levels and gave away all my skins.
Rumours have started spreading around I "hacked" people because I "leaked their passwords"
They leaked their own passwords, and so did I, with GoldenBeatz and Extracted.
But to claim I "hack" and leaked their passwords is not true. Ner0 and Marifloor aka Elena, straight up said their passwords in lobby and that's their own fault.
To the people who made the leak levels, I have nothing to do with.
Anyways to the people I sent all my skins to, enjoy!
And I thought it was obvious a while ago that I quit, I didn't need to make an announcement... but I'll just say goodbye!
Also you cannot comment on this video, I don't need the drama. ^^
Peace! - Tazer
Rumours have started spreading around I "hacked" people because I "leaked their passwords"
They leaked their own passwords, and so did I, with GoldenBeatz and Extracted.
But to claim I "hack" and leaked their passwords is not true. Ner0 and Marifloor aka Elena, straight up said their passwords in lobby and that's their own fault.
To the people who made the leak levels, I have nothing to do with.
Anyways to the people I sent all my skins to, enjoy!
And I thought it was obvious a while ago that I quit, I didn't need to make an announcement... but I'll just say goodbye!
Also you cannot comment on this video, I don't need the drama. ^^
Peace! - Tazer
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