Muse - Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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such a good song and great level!!!
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Muse - Neutron star collision
I was searching, you were on a mission
Then our hearts combined like a neutron star collision
I have nothing left to lose, you took your time to choose
Then we told each other, with no trace of fear that
Our love would be forever
And if we die
We die together
And lie, I said never
'cause our love would be forever
The world is broken, Halos fail to glisten
You try to make a difference, but no one wants to listen
Hail, the preachers, fake and proud
Their doctrines will be cloud
Then they'll dissipate
Like snowflakes in an ocean
Love is forever
And we'll die, we'll die together
And lie, I say never
'cause our love could be forever
Now I've got nothing left to lose
You take your time to choose
I can tell you now without a trace of fear
That my love will be forever
And we'll die
We'll die together
Lie, I will never
'cause our love will be forever
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Muse - Neutron star collision
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